Marcel Duran is a front end engineer at Yahoo! Exceptional Performance Team where he maintains YSlow among other performance tools.
In Even Faster Web Sites book, Tony Gentilcore’s chapter, Going Beyond Gzipping, and at his presentation at Velocity 2009, he describes a weird behavior where roughly 15% of visitors are not receiving compressed response even though these user agents support compression. Although all modern browsers (circa 1998) support Gzip compression surely 15% of users are not using browsers older than 10 years. The culprit are proxies and security software that mangle or strip the Accept-Encoding
HTTP header:
Accept-EncodXng: gzip, deflate X-cept-Encoding: gzip, deflate XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX: XXXXXXXXXXXXX ---------------: ------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Gentilcore also emphasizes the importance of serving compressed content for these users and comes up with some approaches to workaround this issue:
- Appeal to the vendor of software that mangles/strips the Accept-Encoding header, but this will take some time until all users have their versions upgraded.
- Design to minimize uncompressed size which involves some techniques such as: use of event delegation, use relative URLs, minify HTML/JS/CSS and avoid inline styling. The real savings for popular web pages is 11.6% average which is way less than 72.1% when Gzip is enabled.
- Educate users by informing they’re experiencing slowness because compression is not enabled, pointing them to the list of software that causes this issue and how to disable/upgrade them. This might help but certainly users behind company proxies can’t do anything but complain to the administrator.
- Direct detection of Gzip support is a more intrusive client-side approach where a test is performed in a hidden iframe that fetches a compressed JavaScript content regardless of the request headers and set a cookie indicating the client supports compression, thus next requests should check for this cookie.
Recent Research
At Velocity Conference 2010, Andy Martone presented Forcing Gzip Compression, a more detailed research with a client-side compression detection for Google Web Search where he shares the success of this approach improving the user experience by serving compressed content even when the Accept-Encoding
is missing.
He also states that client-side detection is helpful but might bring false positive results which is bad for the user experience however after the browser is restarted, the session cookie is reset.
A Server-Side Approach
Since the mangled patterns of proxies and security software are well-know (see the complete table on Even Faster Web Sites book, chapter 9, page 124), there is room for detecting these patterns on the server prior to serving an uncompressed response and force-gzipping in these cases.
Apache has modules that allows customization of request/response headers (mod_headers
) and set environment variables based on characteristics of the request (mod_setenvif
Forcing the request header to support compression is straightforward:
RequestHeader set Accept-Encoding "gzip,deflate"
But it’s dangerous to consider that all users have compression enabled. In this example set argument is replacing any previous Accept-Encoding
In order to detect the mangled patterns mod_setenvif
can be used to perform a regular expression match and set an environment variable indicating the mangled Accept-Encoding
header is present.
SetEnvIf ^Accept\-EncodXng$ ^gzip, deflate$ HAVE_Accept-Encoding
In this example, the “Accept-EncodXng: gzip, deflate
” mangled pattern if present will set an environment variable named HAVE_Accept-Encoding
which can be later used by mod_headers
to set the Accept-Encoding
to support compression properly:
RequestHeader set Accept-Encoding "gzip,deflate" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding
A more generic solution for mangled pattern matching and enabling compression follows:
SetEnvIfNoCase ^(Accept\-EncodXng|X\-cept\-Encoding|X{15}|~{15}|\-{15})$ ^((gzip|deflate)\s*,?\s*(gzip|deflate)?|X{4,13}|~{4,13}|\-{4,13})$ HAVE_Accept-Encoding
RequestHeader append Accept-Encoding "gzip,deflate" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding
The first line set the environment variable HAVE_Accept-Encoding
if any of the known mangled patterns is present in request headers. Note that SetEnvIfNoCase
directive is used to ignore case on regular expressions. Breaking down these regular expressions a list of matching would be:
Accept\-EncodXng ---> Accept-EncodXng X\-cept\-Encoding ---> X-cept-Encoding X{15} ---> XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ~{15} ---> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \-{15} ---> --------------- (gzip|deflate)\s*,?\s*(gzip|deflate)? ---> gzip ---> deflate ---> gzip,deflate ---> deflate,gzip X{4,13} ---> XXXX to XXXXXXXXXXXXX ~{4,13} ---> ~~~~ to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \-{4,13} ---> ---- to -------------
Since there’s no way to predict how proxies and security software mangle the headers, {4,13} means 4 to 13 occurrences of X, ~ or – are replacing the possible values for Accept-Encoding
, like “gzip
” which has length = 4 and “gzip, deflate
” which has length = 13.
The second line is just appending “gzip, deflate
” to Accept-Encoding
header, in this case append
is used instead of set
to preserve any previous values if Accept-Encoding
is also present.
What about stripped Accept-Encoding headers?
There’s no straight-forward way to identify on the server-side if the client supports compression without the Accept-Encoding
header, in this case the client-side approach described above would take care of it.
If one is brave enough and willing to take risks of false positive, dig deeper and use BrowserMatch[NoCase]
directive to identify browsers known to support compression:
BrowserMatchNoCase (MSIE|Firefox|Chrome|Safari|Opera) HAVE_Accept-Encoding
RequestHeader append Accept-Encoding "gzip,deflate" env=HAVE_Accept-Encoding
For simplicity’s sake the list of user agents above is just a sample and shouldn’t be used in production. Enhance this list/regular expression to match all modern browsers that support compression: IE 6+, Firefox 1.5+, Safari 2+, Opera 7+, Chrome. For a more accurate list of user agents that support compression, consult Browserscope (network tab, compression supported column). At the time of this writing, only a few mobile agents like Blackberry and Samsung SGH, Playstation, Links and others have no compression support.
Although modern browsers do support compression one might have disabled it voluntarily. Use at own risk!
All the approaches above are valid and arguably effective, both server and client side detection approaches carry a minimum of false positive risk. Before go for it and apply any or all of these workarounds, measure first what are the percentage of users that are missing compression and make sure they’re falling into this stripped/mangled Accept-Encoding
header issue by checking the server logs. Depending on site’s audience and traffic there might not be necessary to worry about it.