Web Performance Calendar

The speed geek's favorite time of year
2017 Edition
Stoyan Stefanov

Stoyan (@stoyanstefanov) accepts contributions to this calendar.

Another great year for this here little performance calendar. We were so lucky to have excellent contributions and, once again, went over the 24 article count expected of the “advent” format. And I could afford to say no to republications. I mean all authors are always free to republish their articles on their blogs or elsewhere (the content is all theirs!) but I didn’t need to knowingly repost an article that was already out there.

However in the spirit of JSconf’s rejects, I wanted to give a shout out to these “rejects” (used here with the best possible meaning of the word and with all the love in the world). Again I’m grateful and humbled by the work of the authors.

So here goes.

Monitoring unused CSS

Yonatan Mevorach (@cowchimp) has written an awesome piece on monitoring unused CSS (my personal favorite enemy!) using Chrome DevTools.

Read it here…

Continuous performance monitoring for PHP

Jorge Luis Betancourt (@jorgelbgm) tells the story of adopting the performance management tool Blackfire at trivago.

Read it here…

Gatsby’s perf

Kyle Mathews (@kylemathews) talks about working the performance of GatsbyJS, his static site generator for React.

Read it here…

2018 Performance checklist

And just like last year, Vitaly Friedman (@smashingmag) delivers again. Being a small part of the review team I can tell you, there were some serious performance industry heavyweights reviewing this piece, so you can be sure it’s of topmost quality.

Read it here…


And have a happy perf-y new 2018!